If Your Site Isn't Mobile Optimized, You're Losing Out


If Your Site Isn't Mobile Optimized, You're Losing Out

If your credit union’s website isn’t already optimized for mobile devices, chances are you’re losing out on important member interacts, conversions and business. Many consumers are frustrated if their financial institution lacks the appropriate mobile websites and apps that they can easily use from their smartphones or tablets.

Customer usage

Here’s what you could be missing out on: According to analytics firm comScore, mobile internet use accounted for 65 percent of all internet use by US consumers in 2017. The demographic of mobile-only users is growing, and 4 in 10 mobile users make at least one purchase a month through their phone. Consumers are also steadily switching over to mobile to manage their finances. According to comScore, 66 percent of Americans have interacted with their bank account on a mobile device, compared to 39 percent on a desktop. Similarly, Americans prefer mobile for e-payments and stock trading as well.

Google’s mobile-first index

Credit unions should switch over to designing their websites for mobile from the ground up. Google’s mobile-first index means that website rankings will be determined by and favor mobile websites first, as opposed to desktop websites, and that could have a major impact on the success of both landing pages and content. Credit unions should ensure that their mobile websites have the same quality, informative content as their desktop versions, and that beyond just being responsive, these websites should have properly sized and formatted images, text and video.

Techniques on mobile

Certain techniques work better on mobile than on desktop, such as in-line blog forms, two-step opt-ins, floating CTAs and sticky headers. Website design for mobile is vastly different than for desktop, and this means your content will likely change to fit. Mobile visitors are more likely to prefer visuals over long blocks of text, and this is where video comes in.

In 2017, roughly half of all video content was viewed on a mobile device, and 92 percent of mobile users say they will share videos with others. The vast majority of videos watched on social platforms are done on mobile, with Twitter in particular reporting that 90 percent of video views on its site or app came from mobile. Video is a huge driver of clicks on mobile and is by far the preferred medium of content for mobile users.

If a credit union’s website isn’t yet optimized for mobile, this should become a top priority. Technology trends show consumers will continue to prefer mobile-optimized sites across more and more industries, including the financial space.

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